This is to be the blog wherein I document my pathing through front-end full-stack developer curriculum, beginning with the MEAN stack (and continuing from there) via Treehouse, Free Code Camp, Code Academy, Stack Overflow, The Odin Project, and of course here on GitHub. As a self-fueled and impassioned programmer-to-be, I've compiled several resources to work from and round out my education on the languages to tackle (and why), as well as the environments I'll be employed in down the road. Not only am I looking at what future clients/projects will be interested in hiring me for, I'm also making sure to be aware of the pitfalls of the occupation regarding physical and mental health. I'll be updating this sometime this weekend, and fleshing out the blog element to journal my progress properly, but here are a few of the aforementioned links off the top of my head:

Thanks for looking (those mystical few who happen to find this infinitesimally small corner of the internet somehow), there'll be more later, don't you worry none.

Cheers! Benjamin